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Chatbots - Facebook Messenger Automated Response Programs
Chatbots are Facebook Messenger assistants that can respond to standard questions in an automated fashion. The GOAL of chatbots is to "pre-qualify" leads with standard questions and to ULTIMATELY generate a lead or conversation with a potential buyer or seller.
Program 3 - Free List of Top/Best Homes Under $XXX,XXX
Watch the step-by-step launch video below.
Recommended Text for Ad
Ad Text:
Want a great home deal in the [enter your City/Area]?
Click to see the TOP 3 HOME BUYS priced under $XXX,XXX right now.
Ad Headline:
TOP 3 [City/Area] Home Buys NOW AVAILABLE
News Feed Link Description:
Click or tap to learn more.
Want a great home deal in the [enter your City/Area]?
Click to see the TOP 3 HOME BUYS priced under $XXX,XXX right now.
Ad Headline:
TOP 3 [City/Area] Home Buys NOW AVAILABLE
News Feed Link Description:
Click or tap to learn more.
Recommended Text for SHORT FUNNEL Messenger Setup
Text Greeting:
Hi ___ (leave custom name feature intact). So you want to see the Top 3 Home Buys around (City/Area)? (Choose one below) ⤵⤵
Hi ___ (leave custom name feature intact). So you want to see the Top 3 Home Buys around (City/Area)? (Choose one below) ⤵⤵
Customer Actions -- Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1
Yes, and I want one with a few VERY SPECIFIC features.
Automated Response 1
Got it. I'm happy to narrow down the list of homes to EXACTLY what you want. Can you share what features you want exactly?
Question 2
Yes, and I want to learn how to buy with little or no down payment please.
Automated Response 2
Of course, there is an INCREDIBLE financing program available right now where you can buy ANY home priced under $xxx,xxx with as little as ZERO down payment. Would you like to schedule a 15 minute call to learn more?
Question 3
Actually, I’d rather see the best homes UNDER $xxx,xxx. (Use next lower price range)
Automated Response 3
No problem. There are still a few great homes left under $xxx,xxx too. Are there certain home features you want at the lower price?
Question 1
Yes, and I want one with a few VERY SPECIFIC features.
Automated Response 1
Got it. I'm happy to narrow down the list of homes to EXACTLY what you want. Can you share what features you want exactly?
Question 2
Yes, and I want to learn how to buy with little or no down payment please.
Automated Response 2
Of course, there is an INCREDIBLE financing program available right now where you can buy ANY home priced under $xxx,xxx with as little as ZERO down payment. Would you like to schedule a 15 minute call to learn more?
Question 3
Actually, I’d rather see the best homes UNDER $xxx,xxx. (Use next lower price range)
Automated Response 3
No problem. There are still a few great homes left under $xxx,xxx too. Are there certain home features you want at the lower price?
Program 2 - Down Payment Assistance Conversations
Watch the step-by-step launch video below.
Recommended Text for Ad
Ad Text:
Want to buy a home in [City/Area] but you don't want to make a big down payment?
No problem -- Now you can choose from 100's of [City/Area] homes to buy with as little as $0 down.
Send us a message & learn how right now!
Ad Headline:
Ask Us How to Buy a Home with ZERO Down!
News Feed Link Description:
Click or tap to learn more!
Want to buy a home in [City/Area] but you don't want to make a big down payment?
No problem -- Now you can choose from 100's of [City/Area] homes to buy with as little as $0 down.
Send us a message & learn how right now!
Ad Headline:
Ask Us How to Buy a Home with ZERO Down!
News Feed Link Description:
Click or tap to learn more!
Recommended Text for SHORT FUNNEL Messenger Setup
Text Greeting:
Hi ___ (leave custom name feature intact). Would you like to buy a [City/Area} home with as little as $0 down? Choose one ⤵⤵
Hi ___ (leave custom name feature intact). Would you like to buy a [City/Area} home with as little as $0 down? Choose one ⤵⤵
Customer Actions -- Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1
Yes, can you tell me more about how to qualify?
Automated Response 1
Of course. The 2 main requirements are credit score and total household income. To qualify, you need (insert minimum credit number needed) or higher score (I can help raise your score if need help) and you must fall within __% of the median total household income. Would you like me to look up the exact income number for your area?
Question 2
Yes, but I have special circumstances. Can you call me to discuss them?
Automated Response 2
Sure thing. I am happy to steer you to the best solution. What is a good number to call you at?
Question 3
Yes, but I tried in the past but could not qualify? Can you still help me?
Automated Response 3
There are new programs all the time. So yes, I can likely help you. Can I call you to discuss your situation so I can guide you to the best solution?
Question 1
Yes, can you tell me more about how to qualify?
Automated Response 1
Of course. The 2 main requirements are credit score and total household income. To qualify, you need (insert minimum credit number needed) or higher score (I can help raise your score if need help) and you must fall within __% of the median total household income. Would you like me to look up the exact income number for your area?
Question 2
Yes, but I have special circumstances. Can you call me to discuss them?
Automated Response 2
Sure thing. I am happy to steer you to the best solution. What is a good number to call you at?
Question 3
Yes, but I tried in the past but could not qualify? Can you still help me?
Automated Response 3
There are new programs all the time. So yes, I can likely help you. Can I call you to discuss your situation so I can guide you to the best solution?
Program 1 - MUST SELL Listing Conversations
Watch the step-by-step launch video below.
Recommended Text for Ad
Ad Text: (adjust as see fit. but keep it short/precise).
*** Less than X miles away ***
Fantastic x-story, x-car garage with [key home feature] & much more!
MUST SELL -- now accepting offers! Click or tap to learn more.
Ad Headline:
MUST SELL in [City/Area] -- See Asking Price
News Feed Link Description:
Click or tap to learn more!
*** Less than X miles away ***
Fantastic x-story, x-car garage with [key home feature] & much more!
MUST SELL -- now accepting offers! Click or tap to learn more.
Ad Headline:
MUST SELL in [City/Area] -- See Asking Price
News Feed Link Description:
Click or tap to learn more!
Recommended Text for SHORT FUNNEL Messenger Setup
Text Greeting:
Hi ___ (leave custom name feature intact). Want to learn more about the MUST SELL home in ________?
Hi ___ (leave custom name feature intact). Want to learn more about the MUST SELL home in ________?
Customer Actions -- Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1
What's the current asking price & full address?
Automated Response 1
Current asking price (negotiable) is $xxx,xxx. The address is _____________. Would you like to see all pictures?
Question 2
Can you give me the full description and features?
Automated Response 2
xbd | x ba | xxxx sqft. x-story with a x car garage & [add further description of more important features]. Want to make an offer or discuss this property further?
Question 3
What's the lowest offer I can make?
Automated Response 3
There is no lowest offer. All offers will be considered. Would you like to discuss this property further?
Question 1
What's the current asking price & full address?
Automated Response 1
Current asking price (negotiable) is $xxx,xxx. The address is _____________. Would you like to see all pictures?
Question 2
Can you give me the full description and features?
Automated Response 2
xbd | x ba | xxxx sqft. x-story with a x car garage & [add further description of more important features]. Want to make an offer or discuss this property further?
Question 3
What's the lowest offer I can make?
Automated Response 3
There is no lowest offer. All offers will be considered. Would you like to discuss this property further?